1KOMMA5°'s #newsolar Revolution | Philipp Schröder (1KOMMA5°) & Agate Freimane (Norrsken VC)

Innovate to combat climate change with tangible impact, prioritize talent, and focus on better and cheaper sustainable products to drive adoption.

Key takeaways
  • Innovate and focus on solving climate change with a tangible impact, rather than just talking about it.
  • Prioritize talent and make a conscious effort to elevate and retain them.
  • Avoid scaling too quickly, as it can lead to a decrease in employee morale and increase the likelihood of failure.
  • Focus on producing products that are better and cheaper, making it compelling for people to adopt them, even if they don’t care about climate change.
  • Be brutally honest about the challenges and limitations of climate change and avoid getting caught up in ideology.
  • Use data and proven methods to support the 1.5°C target and create a tipping point for change.
  • Create a sense of urgency and a shared sense of purpose among team members.
  • Focus on what can be done in the present moment and avoid getting bogged down in philosophical discussions or trying to “save” the world.
  • View 1.5 as a revolut