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Latest talks

Unlocking Success: Navigating the Code of Life with GitHub CoPilot - Michelle Sandford

Not Missing a Beat, Developing Products in Crypto

How Tipple Won Five Billion Dollar Customers in its First Year of Operation | Eoin Bara, CEO Tipple

Liquidity During Bullruns: Why Market Makers Are Vital?

What's Next on the Horizon for Centralized Crypto Exchanges?

Crypto Infrastructure: Fast and Furious

Crypto Risk Management 360

Blockchain Unleashed: Moving Beyond the Bitcoin Protocols Utility

Randomly selected

Frobots makes educational gaming an esport with NFTs, Web3 | Jerry Chan | #LDNBlockchain23

Fantastic functions and where to find them - Freek Van der Herten

Oliver Tena & Pere Alcoberro - 1 platform and multiple clusters, teams & countries. The Allianz case

Dublin Tech Summit 2022 : How To solve SaaS Complexity

Game of Loom 2: life and dead(lock) of a virtual thread by Mario Fusco

Build Trust with Your Users Workshop | Brian Love & Mike Ryan | ng-conf 2023

Sabrina Leandro at StaffPlus London 2023

A Cellular Automaton with Rust and Bevy - Diemo Heuer - Rust Linz, October 2022


katzazi aka Eva Stöwe: Ich hab in der Blockchain-Szene gearbeitet - Let's talk about money!

Can Blockchain Technology Save Democracy I Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

Panel: Web3 for Social Good | Blockchain Futurist Conference 2023

Big tech’s role in blockchain adoption | Marcin Dyba, Alex Matsuo, Nirali Shah | #LDNBlockchain23

Blockchain Innovation Program: Changing Lives Through BSV Blockchain Education | #LDNBlockchain23

Blockchain & Social Good I Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

Panel: Blockchain Disrupting Traditional Finance | Blockchain Futurist Conference 2023

Blockchain Regulation in Canada presented by Kraken | Blockchain Futurist Conference 2023


DevOpsCon Spring 2019 Keynote -- Operations: the last Mile for DevOps

How we killed DevOps by creating a dedicated DevOps team | Adam Nowak

Driving Culture Change through DevOps, and Vice Versa / Speakers: James Betteley & Sara Milne

Kris Buytaert – Over a decade of #devops, what have we learned

Amit Rathi, Vinay Kakade Simplify DevOps with Executable Notebooks | JupyterCon 2023

The things I've seen, how DevOps is evolving in practice (Keynote) - Jabe Bloom

Marc Cluet – Managing DevOps Teams, staying alive

DevOps Patterns and Antipatterns for Continuous Software Updates | Baruch Sadogursky


React's Most Useful Types - Matt Pocock, React Day Berlin 2023

Gateway to React: The react.dev Story - Rachel Nabors, React Summit US 2023

A comparison of the Reactivity Concepts in Angular, React, Vue and Svelte by Jonas Bandi

Gordon Shotwell - Understanding reactive execution in Shiny | PyData Global 2023

Rakkas, Vite powered React framework | Fatih Aygün | ViteConf 2022

React Summit 2022 - React Open Source Awards Ceremony

Mohamad Shiralizadeh - New Suspense Architecture in React 18 - React Live 2023

Exploring React Server Component Fundamentals - Daishi Kato, React Day Berlin 2023


RustConf 2023 - A Rust-based garbage collector for Python

RustEdu Workshop 2022 - RustViz: Interactively Visualizing Ownership and Borrowing

RustConf 2023 - Rustacean Community Interfaces: A Tale of Many Hats

RustConf 2023 - Extending Rust's Effect System

Craig's Amazing Rust Spectacular (brought to you by Rust-eze) - Craig Spence - NDC Sydney 2024

Rustberry Pi: Baby-steps in Embedded Rust - Lisa Passing - Rust Linz, September 2022

RustConf 2023 - GUI Accessibility Across Platforms and Programming Languages Using Rust

RustEdu Workshop 2022 - Teaching Rust + Programming Assignments


Roc Alayo Arnabat & Sergi Rosell Ferrer - GitOps in Modern Security-Compliant Environments

Roc Alayo Arnabat & Sergi Rosell Ferrer - GitOps in Modern Security-Compliant Environments

PyData Chicago January 2023 Meetup | Securday: Natural Language Network Scanner

Adelina Simion & Artur Kondas - The shimmy to the left: why security is coming for engineers

Security in Drupal: what can go wrong?

GitHub Advanced Security: Helping Developers Secure the World’s Software • Karl Krukow • GOTO 2023

PAR: Securing the OAuth and OpenID Connect Front-Channel - Dominick Baier - NDC Security 2024

Why Security Is Important in ML and How To Secure Your ML-based Solutions | Rachid Kherrazi


The Art of investing in Web3 companies – a holistic framework for finding real value

Intersecting Frontiers Panel: The AI-Web3 Nexus and Its Game-Changing Implications | Futurist 2023

Raoul Pal | CEO of RealVision, GMI, etc. | web3 talks | Sep 29th 2022 | Hosted by Raphael Hyde

Rebuilding the Financial System of the Internet with Web3 I Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

Entering the Web3 Space: A Guide for Big Brands. Fireside w/ Artūrs Garais & Aléksa Mil

From Hackathon to Hacked: Web3's Security Journey

Making better risk decisions in Web3

The Web3 revolution by DFINITY