React conference talks

React's Most Useful Types - Matt Pocock, React Day Berlin 2023

Gateway to React: The Story - Rachel Nabors, React Summit US 2023

A comparison of the Reactivity Concepts in Angular, React, Vue and Svelte by Jonas Bandi

Gordon Shotwell - Understanding reactive execution in Shiny | PyData Global 2023

Rakkas, Vite powered React framework | Fatih Aygün | ViteConf 2022

React Summit 2022 - React Open Source Awards Ceremony

Mohamad Shiralizadeh - New Suspense Architecture in React 18 - React Live 2023

Exploring React Server Component Fundamentals - Daishi Kato, React Day Berlin 2023

Opt in Design – The New Era of React Frameworks – Ben Holmes, React Advanced 2023

Announcing Starbeam: Universal Reactivity – Yehuda Katz, JSNation 2022

Reusing App State in React Native With Recoil - Sergii Zhuravel , React Advanced 2021

ng-conf Webinar | Angular Reactive Forms with TinyMCE

Understanding Idiomatic React – Joe Savona, Mofei Zhang, React Advanced 2023

Handling Data at Scale for React Developers – Tejas Kumar, React Summit 2022

Kent C Dodds - And Now You Understand React Server Components, React Summit 2024

We Don’t Know How React State Hooks Work - Adam Klein, React Advanced 2021

Crafting Pristine React: Best Practices for Maintainable Code - Miguel Ángel Durán, React Day Berlin

Evan Bacon - Fetch Once, Render Everywhere: React Server Components in Expo Router React Summit 2024

Brian Douglas - Visualizing Open Source Data in React - React Miami 2024

Giorgio Boa - Improve your React hydration with Qwik - React Live 2023

Limitless App Development with Expo and React Native- Evan Bacon, React Advanced 2021

How Coinbase Rewrote the App in React Native - Siriwong Ching, React Advanced 2021

Deep diving on Concurrent React – Matheus Albuquerque, React Advanced London 2022

Magic With Babel Macro - Dhrubesh Deb Sharma, React Advanced 2021

Misko Hevery - Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript, React Summit 2023

How Coinbase Rewrote the App in React Native - Siriwong Ching, React Advanced 2021

React Server Components – Tejas Kumar, React Day Berlin 2023

React Server Components Panel Discussion, React Summit US 2023

Josh Goldberg - Detecting React bugs automatically with linting and TypeScript - React Live 2023

The Unlikely Friendship Between React and Rust – Sara Vieira, React Advanced 2023

Fast React Monorepos with High Quality DX – Juri Strumpflohner, React Summit 2022

Power Fixing React Performance Woes – Josh Goldberg, React Advanced 2023

Brace Your React, New Core Web Vitals are Coming - Ivan Akulov, React Day Berlin 2023

Twitter Space Discussion | What's new in React?

Stephan Sahm - Reactive Notebooks for Python

Inside Fiber: the In-Depth Overview You Wanted a TLDR for – Matheus Albuquerque, React Summit 2022

Jenny Truong & David Khourshid - useWat² - React Miami 2024

Julian Benegas - Create Engaging "Scrollytelling" Experiences with React & GSAP

DPC2020: Improving Application Performance with ReactPHP - Sergey Zhuk

Raising the Bar: Our Journey Making React Native a Preferred Choice – Lorenzo Sciandra

Tejas Kumar - React as a Developer Health Tool

Succeeding at Reactive Architecture - Ian Cooper - NDC London 2023

"Modern Frontend on ClojureScript and React in 2023" by Yuri Khmelevsky

Jennifer Robison - Don't Just React, Mobilize

Getting started with ReactPHP – Pushing Real-Time Data to the Browser | Christian Lück

Rashmi Nagpal - Build your Machine Learning Model on Edge with React Native

Spring + Kotlin = Modern + Reactive + Productive by James Ward , Josh Long

Fons Van Der Plas Pluto jl – reactive and reproducible notebooks for Julia | JupyterCon 2023

R3ACT: A Frightening Look At Performance Figures - Henri Helvetica, React Summit US 2023

[VDTRIESTE24] Building a Video Player from Scratch with React Native - Conference by Omar Diop

Let’s Remix to Localize Content! – Arisa Fukuzaki, React Day Berlin 2022

Debugging a Non Reproducible Crash - Alexandre Moureaux, React Advanced 2021

React Server Components: A New Way to Build Fast and Interactive Web Apps - Aurora Lid Walberg

Mastering complex reactivity with template-driven forms and Signals by Brecht Billiet

"LiveViewJS is the anti-SPA library for reactive app development in NodeJS and Deno" by Donnie Flood

Christoph Nakazawa - How Not to Build a Video Game, React Summit 2023

Go Reactive with Angular Signals | Deborah Kurata | ng-conf 2023

To Mock or Not to Mock - That's the Question - Rita Castro, React Advanced 2021

Kent C. Dodds - The Epic Stack - React Live 2023

Stephan Sahm - – Reactive Notebooks for Python

ElixirConf 2023 - Tim Gremore - Replacing React: How Liveview solved our performance problems

RailsConf 2023 - Hotwiring My React Brain by Aji Slater

Solange Gueiros - Frontend Access Control Using Digital Assets, React Summit 2024

DjangoCon 2022 | From React to htmx on a real-world SaaS product: we did it, and it's awesome!

Using Mediapipe to Create Cross Platform Machine Learning Applications With React - Shivay Lamba

Josh Goldberg - Setting Up ESLint and TypeScript for React

Carly Richmond - Monitoring Digital Experience to Determine Feature Effectiveness - React Live 2023

The Art of Humble Views: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way - Mo Khazali, TestJS Summit 2023

Using useEffect Effectively – David Khourshid, React Advanced London 2022

Alexandra Spalato - Remix: Embracing Web Standards to Redefine Modern Web Development - React Live

Large Scale Projects Challenges (NextJS - Contentful) – Leonidas Mamais, React Summit 2022

Chris Heilmann - MisplAIced - good AI solutions need good UX - React Live 2023

Ives van Hoorne - All the ways to execute JavaScript code - React Live 2023

Building a Headless Site with Remix, WPGraphQL & Web Fundamentals – Jeff Everhart React Summit 2022

Lee Robinson - Next.js Metamorphosis, React Summit 2023

Anisha Malde - A Story(book) about testing - React Live 2023

Medhat Dawoud - Daily Brush for Website Speed: Embrace the Performance Budget Ritual - React Live

Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing – Arseny Smoogly, React Summit 2022

The Epic Stack - Kent C. Dodds, React Summit US 2023

Incremental Static Regeneration: Static Sites on Steroids - Facundo Giuliani, React Advanced 2021

Christopher Chedeau - Video Editing in the Browser, React Summit 2023

Una Kravets - Less Cruft, More Power: Leverage the Power of the Web Platform - React Miami 2024

Turbopack. Why? How? When? and the Vision... – Tobias Koppers, React Day Berlin 2022

Sendil Kumar - A case study on successful migration - React Live 2023

The Rise of the AI Engineer - Shawn Swyx Wang, React Summit US 2023

Accessibility at Discord - Brandon Dail, React Advanced 2021

Facundo Giuliani - Pushing Boundaries to the Edge - React Miami 2024

Sylwia Vargas - Background Jobs 101: Building Reliable Apps with Inngest - React Miami 2024

Marta Vasconcelos - What I Wish I Had Known About Frontend User Tracking - React Live 2023

Tasos Bitsios - The Power of SSE: unidirectional streaming protocol you aren't using - React Live

Javascript Should Come With Batteries - Luca Casonato, React Day Berlin 2023

Carter Rabasa - Taylor Swift and the Democratization of AI for Developers - React Miami 2024

Christopher "Vjeux" Chedeau - How to Succeed at Open Source - React Miami 2024

Nikola Mitrovic - Superpowers of browser's Web API - DevWorld 2024

Asynchronous PHP | Florian Engelhardt

Ryan Carniato - SolidJS - SolidStart - DevWorld 2024

Angular Momentum – Minko Gechev, JSNation 2023

Exploring Angular 18: Unveiling the Future of Angular Development

Bay Area Rust May 2023: Raph Levien on Xilem Vector Graphics

Marco Roth - The Future of Rails as a Full-Stack Framework powered by Hotwire - Rails World 2023