Stephan Sahm - Reactive Notebooks for Python

Discover how to create interactive and reactive Jupyter Notebooks with Stephan Sahm, featuring real-time code updates, client-side triggers, and more, with examples and future plans for the Reactive Notebooks service.

Key takeaways
  • Reactive Notebooks: a way to make Jupyter Notebooks interactive and reactive, allowing users to write code and see the results in real-time.
  • Reactivity: allows cells to update automatically when dependencies change, no need to restart the kernel.
  • Client-side and server-side triggers: allows for manual input with UI elements to be integrated with reactive cells.
  • Ultimate goal: to make the notebook feel like a website, rather than a traditional notebook.
  • Key feature: self-updating cells, which can be integrated with UI elements.
  • Examples: shown how to create reactive cells, and how to use them in combination with plots and cameras.
  • Future plans: to make the Reactive Notebook service available as a hosted solution, and to integrate it with other tools and services.
  • Tools used: Pluto, Plotly, Julia, Python, Jupyter.
  • Key concept: reactivity, dependency tracking, self-updating cells.
  • Flow: write code, see results in real-time, interactive and reactive.