Nir Barazida - Unlock the Full Potential of Jupyter Notebooks | PyData Global 2023

"Unlock the full potential of Jupyter Notebooks with Nir Barazida as he shares expert tips on organizing, versioning, and automating your data science workflows"

Key takeaways
  • Move code to modules: Break down single-notebook applications into separate modules to enable version control, reproducibility, and reuse.
  • version Jupyter Notebooks: Version notebooks to enable tracking of changes and reproducibility.
  • Use scripts for training and deployment: Use scripts for training and deployment to simplify the process and improve efficiency.
  • Avoid ad-hoc versioning: Avoid ad-hoc versioning and instead use version control systems to manage code and data.
  • Use CI/CD for automations: Use CI/CD for automations to streamline the process and ensure reproducibility.
  • Break down modules: Break down large modules into smaller, more manageable pieces to improve maintenance and debugging.
  • Use peer review: Use peer review to ensure code quality and reproducibility.
  • Use task-oriented notebooks: Use task-oriented notebooks to focus on specific tasks and improve collaboration.
  • Use libraries for data versioning: Use libraries for data versioning, such as nbdime, to enable tracking of changes and reproducibility.
  • Use logging and tracking: Use logging and tracking to monitor and analyze the development process.
  • Use collaboration tools: Use collaboration tools, such as Slack or GitHub, to facilitate communication and collaboration.
  • Avoid global variables: Avoid using global variables to improve code organization and readability.
  • Use nbdime: Use nbdime to enable cell and output diffing and to track changes in Jupyter Notebooks.
  • Version data and models: Version data and models to enable tracking of changes and reproducibility.
  • Use Daxup: Use Daxup to manage notebooks and enable collaboration.
  • Avoid deploying notebooks to production: Avoid deploying notebooks to production and instead use scripts for training and deployment.