Announcing Starbeam: Universal Reactivity – Yehuda Katz, JSNation 2022

Introducing Starbeam, a universal reactivity library allowing you to write reactive code without framework ties, featuring automatic dependency tracking, filtering, sorting, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Starbeam is a universal reactivity library that allows you to write reactive code without being tied to a specific framework.
  • It uses a normal JavaScript way of writing code, without any special concepts or imports from StarBeam React or React.
  • Starbeam is able to keep track of dependencies and invalidate computations when necessary, making it suitable for use in complex applications.
  • The library provides a useStarBeam component that allows you to use Starbeam in your React app.
  • Starbeam can be used to implement filtering and sorting in a table, and it provides a query function that can be used to filter and sort data.
  • The library also provides a rows function that returns an array of rows, and a total function that returns the total number of rows in the table.
  • Starbeam can be used to implement a form that allows users to filter and sort data, and it provides a filter function that can be used to filter data.
  • The library also provides a locale function that can be used to sort data by locale.
  • Starbeam is designed to be decoupled from individual frameworks, making it suitable for use in a variety of applications.
  • The library provides a StarBeam class that can be used to create a Starbeam instance, and a useStarBeam hook that can be used to use Starbeam in a React component.
  • Starbeam provides a debug function that can be used to debug your code, and a logger function that can be used to log messages.
  • The library also provides a StarBeamAdapter class that can be used to create an adapter for a specific framework, such as React or Svelte.
  • Starbeam is designed to be extensible, and it provides a number of hooks and functions that can be used to customize its behavior.
  • The library also provides a number of examples and demos that can be used to get started with Starbeam.