Efficient Debugging and Logging with OpenTelemetry in Go - Konstantin Ostrovsky

Learn how to efficiently debug and log your Go applications using OpenTelemetry, a project that enables tracing and analysis across multiple programming languages.

Key takeaways
  • OpenTelemetry is a project that allows you to collect and analyze traces across multiple programming languages.
  • Traces are a way to understand the flow of data through your application, and can be particularly useful for debugging and performance analysis.
  • Spans are a single unit of work within a trace, and can be used to understand the flow of data within your application.
  • Spans can have events, which are used to mark certain points in the flow of data.
  • A trace provider is used to collect traces, and can be configured to collect traces for specific services or applications.
  • Google Cloud has a tool called Query Insights that allows you to analyze traces.
  • OpenTelemetry has a simple to use SDK that allows you to easily add tracing to your application.
  • Traces can be used to understand the flow of data through your application, and can be particularly useful for debugging and performance analysis.
  • Spans can be used to understand the flow of data within your application, and can be particularly useful for debugging and performance analysis.
  • Events can be used to mark certain points in the flow of data, and can be particularly useful for debugging and performance analysis.
  • A sampler rate can be used to control the amount of data that is collected by the trace provider.
  • OpenTelemetry is a project that allows you to collect and analyze traces across multiple programming languages.
  • Spans can be used to understand the flow of data within your application, and can be particularly useful for debugging and performance analysis.
  • OpenTelemetry has a simple to use SDK that allows you to easily add tracing to your application.
  • Traces can be used to understand the flow of data through your application, and can be particularly useful for debugging and performance analysis.
  • Spans can be used to understand the flow of data within your application, and can be particularly useful for debugging and performance analysis.
  • Events can be used to mark certain points in the flow of data, and can be particularly useful for debugging and performance analysis.