India Kerle, Liz Gallagher, and Jack Vines - Building a skills extraction library using NLP tools

Building a skills extraction library using NLP tools for skills gap analysis, targeted training, and strategic talent development.

Key takeaways
  • NLP tools can be used to build a skills extraction library, which can help organizations identify skills gaps and provide targeted training.
  • The library can be built using natural language processing (NLP) techniques such as text analysis and topic modeling.
  • The library can be used to identify key phrases and keywords that are indicative of a particular skill.
  • The library can be used to identify relationships between skills and identify areas where skills may be redundant or overlapping.
  • The library can be used to identify skills gaps and provide recommendations for training and development.
  • The library can be used to provide insights into the relative value of different skills and identify areas where skills may be undervalued.
  • The library can be used to provide insights into the relevance of different skills and identify areas where skills may be outdated.
  • The library can be used to provide insights into the importance of different skills and identify areas where skills may be highly valuable.
  • The library can be used to provide insights into the skills required for specific roles and identify areas where skills may be lacking.