SAINTCON 2016 - Cory Stokes & Derek Larson - Using Security Self Assessment Survey Tools

Discover how educators can improve security awareness and skills with security self-assessment survey tools, highlighting common security risks and the need for password management and technical training.

Key takeaways
  • Educators are not aware of security risks in their schools, even when they are asked directly if they are secure.
  • Many teachers use simple passwords, and some don’t change them often.
  • Some teachers don’t know how to manage their passwords.
  • Password management is a concern in education, as teachers often use multiple accounts and passwords.
  • The lack of awareness and training on security leads to risks in schools.
  • Educators need help in developing security awareness and skills.
  • The surveys were used to gather feedback from teachers and to identify areas of concern.
  • The data collected from the surveys showed that many teachers are not aware of security risks and are not taking steps to secure their accounts.
  • The findings from the surveys highlighted the need for more education and training on security.
  • Implementing security solutions, such as password management tools, can help to improve security in schools.
  • Educators need to be aware of the risks and take steps to secure their accounts.
  • The surveys will continue to be used to gather feedback and to identify areas of concern.
  • The data collected will be used to develop technical training and resources for educators.
  • The goal is to create a culture of security awareness and education in schools.