React Server Components – Tejas Kumar, React Day Berlin 2023

Learn how React Server Components simplify data fetching, offload computation from the client, and improve user experience. Discover the benefits, advantages, and implementation details of this powerful feature in Next.js.

Key takeaways

Server Components Solve Data Fetching Server components solve the problem of data fetching by fetching on the server-side, enabling soft navigation and reducing the need for client-side rendering.

Why Server Components? Server components are useful when dealing with CPU-bound or network-bound applications, as they offload some of the computation to the server, reducing the load on the client.

How Server Components Work Server components render on the server-side, and then the browser downloads the pre-rendered HTML, which can be hydrating or rendering the interactive parts of the page.

andrusing with Client-Side Rendering Server components can be used in combination with client-side rendering, but are more effective when used exclusively on the server-side.

Why Not Client-Side Rendering? Client-side rendering can lead to flash of unstyled or unintelligent content, and can also interfere with user experience by sending network requests.

Server-Action in Next.js Server components can be used in Next.js by using the SERVER action as a context, allowing for server-side rendering and fetching data before rendering.

Server Components and Suspense Server components can be used with suspense to fetch data on the server-side, rather than on the client-side.

Async Components Server components can be used with async components by awaiting the results of the data fetch and then rendering the component.

Hydration Hydration is the process of taking the server-rendered HTML and re-rendering the interactive parts of the page on the client-side.

Server Components and React Server components are a way for React to solve the problem of data fetching by fetching on the server-side, and are a key feature of Next.js.

Conclusion Server components are a powerful tool for solving data fetching on the server-side, and can be used in combination with client-side rendering to create a more seamless user experience.