You Don't Need Containers to Run Django in Production with Eduardo Felipe Castegnaro - DCUS 2022

Learn how to run Django in production without containers, using GUnicorn, a faster ASGI server, with expert Eduardo Felipe Castegnaro at DCUS 2022.

Key takeaways
  • Containers are not necessarily needed for running Django in production.
  • GUnicorn is a faster ASGI server that can handle high concurrency.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of choosing the right tools for small teams.
  • The author emphasizes that WSGI has a limit based on the number of workers, whereas ASGI does not.
  • GUnicorn can scale linearly with more workers, making it a good choice for high-traffic websites.
  • UVCorn is another ASGI server that is fast and scalable.
  • A reverse proxy is recommended for caching and security.
  • The speaker believes that ASGI has a long way to go, but it’s a good alternative to WSGI.
  • Docker is not always necessary, as Node.js team is not using it.
  • Kubernetes is not always necessary, it’s just a tool, and it’s complexity should not be overemphasized.
  • The author believes that people often overcomplicate things and that choosing the right tools for the job is important.
  • Running Django on a single server is not recommended.
  • Between WSGI and ASGI, the author recommends ASGI.
  • While GUnicorn is powerful, it’s not always the best choice, as it has a high configuration complexity.
  • UVCorn is a drop-in replacement for GUnicorn.