Minimum Viable Architecture • Randy Shoup • YOW! 2022

Explore the concept of "minimum viable architecture" and learn how to balance simplicity, scalability, and maintainability in software development, avoiding local maxima and embracing continuous improvement and sustainability.

Key takeaways
  • The biggest waste in software development is optimizing for local maxima, not global optimization.
  • Organizing code delivery around features, not services, leads to monoliths.
  • A “minimum viable architecture” considers trade-offs between simplicity, scalability, and maintainability.
  • Feature toggling and continuous delivery help to iterate and refine new features.
  • When refactoring, prioritize the biggest bang for the buck.
  • Microservices are independent and modular, with each service responsible for a specific task.
  • Single responsibility principle is key in microservices design.
  • Introduce repeatable processes for continuous improvement and sustainability.
  • Prioritize customer problems over architectural purity.
  • Constantly experiment and adapt, as the problem domain and architecture evolve.
  • Scaleless architectures are not required; monoliths can scale horizontally.
  • Migration to microservices can be a gradual process.
  • Modular systems can be more efficient and flexible than monolithic ones.