VCs in the Baltics: Saviors or Sharks? Panel moderated by Jone Vaituleviciute / FIRSTPICK

VCs in the Baltics share their insights on the current investment landscape, from increased selectivity to a focus on profitability, highlighting the importance of building strong teams and business plans before raising capital.

Key takeaways
  • VC funds are becoming more selective and only investing in top-tier startups.
  • There is a lot of capital available for investments, but not all startups can access it.
  • Founders should focus on building relationships with investors and not rush into transactions.
  • Investors are taking their time to make decisions and are not feeling pressure to invest.
  • The market is slower than expected, and deals are not happening as quickly as they used to.
  • Founders should prioritize building a strong team and a clear business plan before fundraising.
  • Investors are looking for companies with a clear path to profitability and scalability.
  • The Baltic market is seeing a slowdown in deal-making, but it’s still a good place to invest.
  • VC funds are taking a more balanced approach to investing, with some funds slowing down and others increasing their investment pace.
  • Startups should focus on building a strong team and a clear business plan before fundraising, and not rely on hype or short-term success.
  • Investors are becoming more discerning and are looking for companies with a clear path to profitability and scalability.
  • Founders should focus on building a strong team and a clear business plan before fundraising, and not rush into transactions.
  • The market is changing, and founders need to adapt to new realities and build a strong foundation before fundraising.