Ives van Hoorne - Making Development More Visual

Making development more visual and scalable by leveraging browser capabilities, including code bundling, WebAssembly, and Monaco code editor, to reduce costs and improve performance.

Key takeaways
  • Making development more visual is crucial for scalability and cost-effectiveness.
  • Bundlers can work in the browser without server costs, reducing costs by 100 euros a month.
  • CodeMirror is a powerful tool for making development more visual.
  • WebAssembly is a game-changer for building applications in the browser.
  • Fiasco extensions can be run in a different context, making them reusable.
  • Monaco, the code editor in VS code, can be used in the browser with minimal modifications.
  • CodeSammox uses a serializable messaging API to communicate between services.
  • The CodeSammox bundler works by finding all require statements, transpiling the code, and then evaluating it.
  • The browser is a powerful tool for development, with capabilities like eval and messaging.
  • Tree shaking and optimization can be done in the browser, reducing bundle sizes.
  • Making extensions work in the browser was a major challenge, requiring significant modifications to CodeSammox.
  • The TM language is used for tokenizing languages in VS code.
  • Client-side execution is faster and more scalable than server-side execution.
  • CodeSammox uses a mini node runtime in the web worker to simulate all node processes.
  • The browser-compatible version of Monaco was a major help in making VS code work in the browser.
  • WebAssembly can be used to create reusable components that can be shared between projects.
  • The browser can be used to create a local editor experience that is similar to a desktop editor.
  • The asynchronous and synchronous phases of code execution can be optimized for performance.