Dublin Tech Summit 2022 : Towards Digital Autonomy From Device to Cloud

Discover how Onero, an open-source framework, enables digital autonomy by allowing devices to communicate directly, reducing cloud gateways and promoting fair and open markets, addressing lockout and lock-in issues.

Key takeaways
  • The current cloud market is dominated by a few large players, leading to lockout and lock-in issues.
  • This results in a lack of interoperability between devices and clouds, making it difficult to switch between providers.
  • The cloud providers have control over data and services, making it hard to achieve digital autonomy.
  • The Digital Market Act and Digital Services Act aim to promote fair and open markets and digital sovereignty.
  • Onero is an open-source framework that allows devices to communicate directly with each other, reducing the need for cloud gateways.
  • This enables portable managed services, which can be used across different clouds and devices.
  • Onero is free and open to all, with the Eclipse Foundation providing governance and collaboration.
  • The initiative is focused on promoting digital autonomy, especially in Europe, and addresses issues of lockout and lock-in.
  • The project has the potential to lead to new market opportunities and innovation.
  • The speaker believes that open-source initiatives like Onero can help achieve digital sovereignty and fair and open markets.
  • The goal is to create a new market for cloud services, making it possible for devices to talk to each other directly.
  • Onero is designed to work with various devices, from smartphones to TVs and smart home devices.
  • The project aims to address concerns around data sovereignty, security, and privacy.
  • The Eclipse Foundation is committed to ensuring the security and integrity of Onero.