Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing – Arseny Smoogly, React Summit 2022

Determine if your design system is truly making a difference or just collecting dust. Learn how to measure adoption, spot waste, and track changes over time to ensure your design system is a valuable asset.

Key takeaways
  • A design system is not just a collection of components, but a tool that needs to be actively used to make the product better or help deliver it faster.
  • To measure adoption of a design system, analyze code usage at a low level, considering both design system imports and homebrew components.
  • Homebrew components are low-level components implemented directly in the product code base.
  • A more meaningful chart is one that discounts simpler components and biases towards more complex ones.
  • A design system without sufficient adoption is a waste of time and effort.
  • The adoption success depends on the specific goals and focus of the project.
  • A design system is valuable if it displaces the competition in terms of component usage.
  • Measure the adoption of a design system based on code usage, not on renderings or user interactions.
  • Usage is when a component is referenced in code.
  • To run this analysis, use a tool like Radius Tracker, which automates code analysis.
  • A design system needs governance to decide what goes in and what doesn’t.
  • The size of a code base is not fixed, and it can grow or shrink over time.
  • The source mix is independent of project growth, team size, and investment, but it changes over time.
  • Total shaded area represents the total usages of components, not unique ones.
  • Design system usage share percentage measures how much people prefer the design system over internal or external alternatives.
  • Grafana UI reached a state where each new feature uses the same mix of design system components.
  • The design system needs to be tracked and monitored regularly to see how it changes over time.
  • Non-technical people can’t read code well enough to analyze it manually, so automated tools are necessary.
  • The analysis is still valid even if the project grows or shrinks over time.
  • A design system without displacement of the competition is not a success.
  • Every component usage has a specific usage pattern, and components can be used in different ways.