SAINTCON 2023 - Mike Venturelli - The (NTLM)Relay Race Against Threat Actors

Mike Venturelli's SAINTCON 2023 talk covers NTLM relay attacks, a significant threat still present today. Learn strategies to prevent compromise, prioritize patching, and migrate to more secure protocols.

Key takeaways
  • NTLM relay attacks are still a threat and can be used to compromise systems and data.
  • Microsoft has attempted to patch some vulnerabilities, but threats are still present.
  • Password reuse and password assessment are crucial for security.
  • SOC teams should prioritize monitoring logs and enabling auditing for event IDs related to NTLM protocols.
  • It’s essential to disable NTLM and transition to more secure authentication protocols like Kerberos.
  • Domain controllers must be properly configured to ensure security.
  • Old systems and applications may still use NTLM and should be upgraded or replaced.
  • Knowledge of hashes, such as LM and NTLM, is crucial for identifying potential vulnerabilities.
  • NTLM is not as secure as other authentication protocols and should be phased out.
  • Migrating to Kerberos and AES encryption is a recommended mitigation strategy.
  • Implementing a runspace is a key step in protecting against relay attacks.
  • It’s important to prioritize patching and keep Windows up-to-date.
  • NTLM relay attacks can be used to access other protocols like SMB and HTTP.
  • Identifying relatable hosts and monitoring logs is crucial for detecting and responding to threats.
  • The “mark of the web” concept is an essential consideration for security.
  • Utilizing a SIM for log collection and rolling up logs can help streamline the threat hunting process.
  • Stagger the rollout of mitigations to minimize impact on the production environment.
  • Enable auditing for event IDs related to NTLM protocols.
  • Implement migration to AES encryption.
  • Prioritize patching and keep Windows up-to-date.
  • Disable NTLM and transition to more secure authentication protocols.