SAINTCON 2023 - Francisco Parra - Threat Informed Defense

Discover how threat-informed defense can enhance your security efforts, from threat intelligence gathering to incident response and attack anticipation, in this SAINTCON 2023 talk featuring Francisco Parra.

Key takeaways
  • Prioritize security efforts based on industry, regulatory requirements, and risk appetite
  • Threat intelligence is not just a field of interest, but a crucial component of InfoSec
  • Understand the cyber threat landscape and threat actors’ behavior to build effective defense programs
  • Map threat actors’ tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) using tools like MITRE ATT&CK
  • Integrate threat intelligence into security workflows to inform decision-making and resource allocation
  • Focus on high-impact actions and prioritize vulnerability remediation and credential management
  • Implement threat-informed defense through a combination of detection, monitoring, and incident response
  • Use threat intelligence to improve cyber threat hunting and reduce the dwell time of attackers
  • Identify adversaries, their tactics, and technologies to anticipate and prepare for attacks
  • Utilize techniques like mimicry, deception, and red teaming to detect and neutralize threats
  • Leverage fusion centers, SOC, and IR teams to share information and improve threat intelligence gathering
  • Integrate threat intelligence with business operations to provide context and situational awareness
  • Prioritize patching critical vulnerabilities and implement reliable credential management
  • Use AI, machine learning, and automation to augment human threat analysis and response
  • Monitor and analyze security controls to identify choke points and optimize defenses
  • Incorporate threat intelligence into security awareness training programs to educate employees
  • Validate threat intelligence with real-world data and scenario-based testing
  • Continuously refine and update threat intelligence to account for emerging threats and evolving tactics.