PHP Module als Rundum-Sorglos-Pakete entwickeln | Ralf Eggert

Developing PHP modules as all-in-one packages with Ralf Eggert, covering code sniffers, PRPSten, and PRPUnit testing, middleware applications, framework implementation, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Use of code sniffers, PRPSten, and PRPUnit as testing tools
  • Middleware applications as a class, with global configuration and configuration at runtime
  • Implementing the middleware using M4C, Symphony, or Laravel as frameworks
  • Configuration management with global configuration and configuration at runtime
  • Testing tools for code sniffer, PRPSten, and PRPUnit
  • Using different frameworks such as M4C, Symphony, and Laravel
  • Bootstrapping with MDB (Material Design Bootstrap) to integrate with Material Design
  • Use of modules in project development, with proper configuration and testing
  • Different types of templates for handlers, emails, and code snippets
  • Managing data and code with clear templates and configurations
  • Integration with other projects and tools for testing and development
  • Importance of small and clean configurations, not too many keys in the background