Testing conference talks

Twitter Space | Testing: unit (testing-library/react) and end-to-end/integration

🚀 Integration Testing with Docker and Testcontainers (Sergei Egorov)

Full-Circle Testing With Cypress - Filip Hric, TestJS Summit 2022

Learning Test-Driven Development • Saleem Siddiqui & Dave Farley

Tiny Tests, Large Results – Nikolay Advolodkin, TestJS Summit 2022

Everyone Can Easily Write Tests - Debbie O'Brien, TestJS Summit 2023

Testing Web Applications with Playwright - Debbie O'Brien, TestJS Summit 2022

The Art of Humble Views: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way - Mo Khazali, TestJS Summit 2023

Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines - Filip Hric, TestJS Summit 2023

Effective Performance Testing to your Server with Autocannon – Tamar Twena-Stern, TestJS Summit'21

Test Driven Development with C# - from Padawan to Jedi - Scott Sauber - NDC Porto 2023

Spring Boot ❤️ Testcontainers by Iván López

Mastering Testcontainers by Oleg Šelajev

Back to Basics: C++ Testing - Amir Kirsh - CppCon 2022

Testable Angular Forms | Martine Dowden | ng-conf 2022

BDD To The Bone: Acceptance Testing with Behave and Selenium

ElixirConf 2023 - Jenny Bramble - Black Box Techniques for Unit Tests

Back to Basics: Testing in C++ - Phil Nash - CppCon 2023

Vitest: testing DX reimagined, Vladimir, ViteConf 2022

CakePHP Test Fixture Factories | Juan Pablo Ramirez

Boosting Test Coverage for Microservices - Laura Vuorenoja

🚀 Integrated Tests Are A Scam (J.B. Rainsberger)

RailsConf 2024 - So writing tests feels painful. What now? by Stephanie Minn

Cypress Component Testing, Jessica Sachs, ViteConf 2022

GTAC 2016: How Flaky Tests in Continuous Integration

Dan Neciu - Modern Testing Practices in Frontend Applications - JSWORLD 2023

How NOT to Write a Test in Go - Amir Malka

Continuous Regression Testing for Safer and Faster Refactoring in C++ - Pejman Ghorbanzade - CppCon

Your tests are mocking you - Jakub Zalas

Infrastructure as Code Programs: How to Test, Finally by Daniel Sokolowski and Guido Salvaneschi

Integration tests are needed and simple by Piotr Przybyl

Alexander Hultnér - API-schema-based testing with schemathesis

Growing the PHP Core – One Test at a Time | Florian Engelhardt

My 25 Laws of Test Driven Development - Dennis Doomen - NDC Porto 2023

Keynote: Testing Modern Web Apps Like a Champion with Andrew Knight

Django migrations, friend or foe? Optimize your Django migrations for faster testing

Alan Una Larisa - Writing tests for a Django application doesn't have to suck

Thijs Feryn - Distributed load testing with k6

DjangoCon Europe 2023 | Turning test writing into a consistently brief and pleasant experience

Unit Testing Done Right (Jakub Pilimon)

DjangoCon 2022 | Quality Assurance in Django - Testing what matters

Writing sustainable automated tests

Acceptance Testing for Continuous Delivery – Dave Farley

Akshat Jaimini: Making pgweb rock-solid: Using the Testing Harness to ensure the quality of pgweb

Load Testing Crash Course with Gatling by Stéphane Landelle

The Absolute Beginner’s Guide To Mutation Testing - Neal Brooks

GTAC 2015: The Uber Challenge of Cross-Application/Cross-Device Testing

Anisha Malde - A Story(book) about testing - React Live 2023

GTAC 2016: OpenHTF - The Open-Source Hardware Testing Framework

RailsConf 2023 - Teaching Capybara Testing - An Illustrated Adventure by Brandon Weaver

Once upon a load test in real time | Stéphane Hulard

Noexcept? Enabling Testing of Contract Checks in C++ - Pablo Halpern & Timur Doumler - CppCon 2023

Learn About Node.js New Built-in Test Runner

Angular Component Testing Best Practices | Jordan Powell | ng-conf webinar

Developing, Documenting, and Testing your Vite app with Storybook | Ian VanSchooten | ViteConf 2022

Kathryn Grayson Nanz - Usability Testing for Developers

Distributed load testing with k6 - Thijs Feryn - NDC London 2024

Unit Testing with JUnit Jupiter - How to Use the new JUnit Jupiter Platform

Managing the Test Data Nightmare - Andrew Knight

Testing Hack with Hammock - Riya Dashoriya - PHP UK 2020

Front End Testing with GitHub Actions - Amy Kapernick - NDC London 2024

Test Software On Emulated Hardware In Containers... In The Cloud

Your Tests Lack Vision: Adding Eyes to your Automation Framework

GTAC 2015: Robot Assisted Test Automation

factory_boy: testing like a pro with Camila Maia - DjangoCon US 2022

Thijs Feryn - Distributed load testing with k6

Empathetic testing: Developing with compassion and humility.

SAINTCON 2023 - Philip Kemp & Scott Henderson - Beyond the Annual Penetration Test

Accessibility Testing 101 - Erissa Duvall - NDC London 2024

DjangoCon 2022 | factory_boy: testing like a pro

Increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive docs and automated tests - DCUS

How to implement Chatbots in an industrial Context | Christoph Windheuser

Unit Test Your Java Architecture With ArchUnit by Roland Weisleder

How to fall in love with TDD - Gui Ferreira - NDC London 2024

DPC2022: Use an API contract for testing and development!

Building Operable Software with TDD (but not the way you think) by Martin Thwaites

SAINTCON 2016 - Chad Butler - Big Shop AppSec for Everyone Else

Can LLMs Keep a Secret? Testing Privacy Implications of Language Models

User testing in production: how to run a public beta - Eli Holderness - NDC Porto 2023

Living the Best Life on a Legacy Project - James Titcumb

Back to Basics: Debugging in C++ - Mike Shah - CppCon 2022

Building Operable Software with TDD (but not the way you think) - Martin Thwaites - NDC London 2023

To TDD or not to TDD: that is the question! by Marco Consolaro

DPC2019: Hello my name is "if" - Sebastian Feldmann

Clean Architecture – Robert (Uncle Bob) Martin

srsLTE project update

Spring Modulith – Spring for the Architecturally Curious Developer by Oliver Drotbohm

Roc Alayo Arnabat & Sergi Rosell Ferrer - GitOps in Modern Security-Compliant Environments

Domain-Driven Refactoring (Jimmy Bogard)

Tools and practices to help you deal with legacy code - Dennis Doomen - NDC Porto 2023

Code? – Kevlin Henney

Building games in .NET MAUI - Shaun Lawrence - NDC London 2023

Pipeline-oriented programming - Scott Wlaschin - NDC Porto 2023

PyData Chicago: Running Notebooks in Production? Blessing or Curse? by Eduardo Blancas

Infrastructure as Code - Lessons learned from Dev to Ops | Emma Button

Devoxx Greece 2024 - Capture The Flag (CTF) By HackTheBox by Panos Petsanas

Learning Through Tinkering by Tom Cools

Mastering complex reactivity with template-driven forms and Signals by Brecht Billiet

Functional Programming with C# - Simon Painter - NDC London 2023

RubyConf 2023 - The Unbreakable Code Whose Breaking Won WWII by Aji Slater