Spring Boot ❤️ Testcontainers by Iván López

Learn how to boost your Spring Boot testing with Testcontainers, including starting and stopping containers, using Docker Compose, and more, while highlighting the benefits of this library for fast and easy testing.

Key takeaways
  • Start Spring Boot application with proper algorithm
  • Set up containers using Testcontainers, which starts and stops containers for tests
  • Create a test using @Testcontainers annotation, which starts a Postgres container
  • Interact with containerized application using Rest Assured
  • Use Docker Compose to run multiple containers in parallel
  • Stop containers after test using @AfterEach method
  • Use Ryuk to start and stop containers
  • Integrate with Spring Boot 3.1 for more convenient testing
  • Use Testcontainers Cloud to run containerized applications without Docker locally
  • Highlight the benefits of Testcontainers, such as fast testing and easy integration with Spring Boot
  • Showcase how to use Testcontainers to test a simple Spring Boot application with a Postgres database and Kafka broker
  • Emphasize the importance of proper testing and using the correct dependencies