I Would Never Use an ORM – Matteo Collina, JSNation 2023

Discover the speaker's unconventional approach to database management, rejecting Object-Relational Mappings (ORMs) for a more efficient and scalable solution built on Fastify's PlatformaticDB platform.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker is skeptical of Object-Relational Mappings (ORMs) and believes they lead to spaghetti code and are often a hindrance to development.
  • The problem with models is that they can lead to legacy code and make it difficult to optimize for complex features.
  • Instead, the speaker recommends defining features gradually and using a platform called PlatformaticDB, which is built on top of Fastify.
  • PlatformaticDB allows for easy creation of a database, including support for relationships, queries, and more, without requiring complex coding.
  • The speaker believes that developers often focus on optimizing for the beginning of a project, rather than focusing on shipping features quickly.
  • The Pareto principle states that 80% of outcomes come from 20% of efforts, and the speaker believes that this principle can be applied to development, focusing on shipping a small number of high-impact features quickly rather than trying to perfect every detail.
  • The speaker also believes that developers often focus on creating well-organized and well-structured code, but neglect to actually test and iterate on the code.
  • The speaker recommends using a platform like PlatformaticDB to create a database and generate types and schema, without requiring complex coding or maintenance.
  • The speaker believes that developers often neglect to focus on the single responsibility principle and the importance of separating concerns.
  • PlatformaticDB also supports GraphQL and can handle complex queries and relationships, making it a versatile tool for development.