The awful agony of the app store: When software delivery goes wrong Clare Sudbery at LeadDev London

Discover the pitfalls of software delivery on the app store, and learn how to avoid common mistakes, pivot when necessary, and get feedback from users to improve your product's success.

Key takeaways
  • Try to iterate in small steps and test with users early on to avoid a lot of work being wasted.
  • Don’t be afraid to pivot and try a different approach if something isn’t working.
  • Deploy early and often to get feedback from users and improve the product.
  • User research is important, but it can be difficult to get feedback from users, especially when building a mobile app.
  • It’s helpful to have a good understanding of the platform and the rules it provides for app development.
  • In-app purchases can be a pain to implement and often require extra testing.
  • Developing for the app store can be frustrating and may require multiple submissions before getting approved.
  • It’s okay to not give up and to keep trying even in the face of rejection.
  • Having a support network and being able to communicate effectively with users and testers can make a big difference in the success of a project.
  • It can be helpful to have a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP) to test with users and get feedback before building a full app.
  • The app store review process can be unpredictable and may require multiple submissions before getting approved.
  • There are many apps on the app store that are similar to each other and may have similarities in their design and functionality.