Can LLMs Keep a Secret? Testing Privacy Implications of Language Models

Explore the surprising ways large language models can unintentionally reveal sensitive information and the need for novel approaches to measuring privacy leakage in real-world scenarios.

Key takeaways
  • Can language models truly keep secrets? The answer is no, as they can unintentionally reveal sensitive information.
  • The researchers focused on the privacy implications of language models, using a multi-tiered benchmark to assess their ability to keep secrets.
  • The benchmark, called CONFLITE, consisted of 4 tiers, each with varying levels of complexity and nuance.
  • The researchers found that language models struggled to protect secrets, especially in real-world scenarios where context is important.
  • They proposed a new approach to measuring privacy leakage, which considers not only the information itself but also the context in which it is shared.
  • The study highlighted the importance of considering the social context in which language models are used, as they can reveal sensitive information even with careful prompting.
  • The researchers emphasized the need for more research on the privacy implications of language models and the development of more robust methods for protecting sensitive information.
  • The study suggested that even with careful prompting, language models may still reveal sensitive information, highlighting the need for more robust protection measures.
  • The researchers defined contextual integrity as a main component of privacy, which assesses whether the flow of information is appropriate based on the context.
  • They also emphasized the importance of considering the theory of mind, or the ability to reason about others’ mental states, in understanding how language models make decisions about sensitive information.
  • The study found that language models struggled to protect secrets even when explicitly prompted to do so, highlighting the need for more research on the privacy implications of language models.
  • The researchers suggested that the relationship between context and privacy is complex and nuanced, requiring further study to develop more robust methods for protecting sensitive information.