Tiny Tests, Large Results – Nikolay Advolodkin, TestJS Summit 2022

Learn how to implement automated atomic tests using Cypress, a powerful tool for testing JSON web token-based authentication, and discover the benefits of faster and less brittle tests for your application.

Key takeaways
  • Automated atomic tests are a type of test that focus on testing a single feature or component, resulting in faster and less brittle tests.
  • Traditional UI tests are not atomic as they interact with multiple screens and perform multiple actions.
  • Automated atomic tests can be implemented using web requests, allowing for single, focused tests that decrease UI interactions and latency.
  • Cypress is a powerful tool for implementing automated atomic tests, especially for JSON web token-based authentication.
  • Atomic tests can be used for multiple authentication methods, including JSON web tokens and basic auth.
  • Automated atomic tests can be implemented in a few lines of code, making them simple and efficient.
  • Cypress provides a clear and concise way to implement automated atomic tests, making it easier to focus on the test itself rather than the implementation.
  • Atomic tests can greatly reduce the amount of time and effort required to test an application, making them a valuable tool for developers.
  • Automated atomic tests can be used for both front-end and back-end testing, making them a versatile tool for a wide range of applications.
  • Web requests can be used to implement automated atomic tests, making it easier to test complex authentication mechanisms.
  • Automated atomic tests can be used in conjunction with traditional UI tests to provide a more comprehensive testing strategy.
  • Cypress provides a number of tests for JWT-based authentication, making it easier to implement automated atomic tests for these types of applications.