The 8th Annual Black Hat USA NOC Report

Get an inside look at the 8th Annual Black Hat USA NOC Report, featuring real-time packet capture, threat hunting, and insights on IoT devices, visualization, lessons learned, and more.

Key takeaways

NOC Efforts

  • Capture every packet on site during the show
  • Use a source solution to look for types of traffic
  • Use Gigamon for packet capture and Net Witness for threat hunting

Packet Capture

  • Capture stats show large peaks on network
  • Use logs, packets, and endpoint data for analysis

IoT Devices

  • 7,000 unique devices on network
  • 367 different IoT devices identified
  • Many devices not securely configured


  • Paco Problem: too many devices trying to communicate on network
  • Use threat grid to visualize network traffic and identify potential issues

Lessons Learned

  • Importance of segmentation in network design
  • Need for automation and tooling to support NOC efforts
  • Threat hunting requires human expertise and attention


  • Cisco provides hardware and expertise for NOC efforts
  • Iron Net provides additional visibility and threat hunting capabilities

Trends and Analysis

  • Increased usage of IoT devices on network
  • Growing sophistication of malware and threats
  • Importance of analyzing network traffic and identifying potential issues

NOC Challenges

  • Managing large volume of data and traffic on network
  • Balancing security needs with user demands
  • Staying ahead of evolving threats and malware