Voxxed Days Ioannina 2024 - The Visible Developer: Why You Shouldn't Blend In by Heather Downing

Discover how to stand out as a developer by being visible, authentic, and unique. Learn why blending in won't get you noticed and how to build connections, showcase your personality, and communicate effectively to succeed.

Key takeaways
  • To be visible, don’t blend in, be unique.
  • Networking is planting seeds that can grow into connections.
  • Showcase your human side, struggles, and growth to build empathy.
  • Focus on big picture thinking, not just technical skills.
  • Consistency is key, post regularly and engage with others.
  • Be authentic, don’t try to be someone else.
  • Prioritize self-respect and confidence.
  • Build relationships, not just transactions.
  • Engage with others online and in person.
  • Be responsive to questions and comments.
  • Share your expertise, even if it’s not perfect.
  • Focus on radical candor, listening and being honest.
  • Don’t assume others know your work, share it and promote yourself.
  • Focus on long-term goals, not just short-term results.
  • Showcase your personality and human side to build connections.
  • Learn to communicate effectively, both online and in person.
  • Prioritize listening and empathy in your communication.
  • Balance technical skills with soft skills, like networking and marketing.
  • Be deliberate in your online presence, don’t just wing it.
  • Showcase your accomplishments and struggles to build connections.
  • Focus on building relationships, not just transactions.
  • Be authentic and unique, don’t try to be someone else.