Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Developer - Stuart Halloway

Develop your problem-solving skills with expert Stuart Halloway, as he shares real-world insights and pitfalls to avoid, distilling the key takeaways from years of experience as a "Consulting Developer" in the field.

Key takeaways
  • Problem solving is a skill that can be developed and improved upon.
  • The “mind palace” is a myth and not a real tool for exceptional problem solvers.
  • Effective problem solvers consider multiple alternatives and have good communication skills.
  • The ability to write things down and review them helps to improve problem-solving skills.
  • The concept of “trifles” is important in problem solving, as seemingly insignificant details can be crucial to solving a problem.
  • Avoiding distraction and multitasking is important for effective problem solving.
  • Smocking (or taking breaks) can be beneficial for problem-solving and overall well-being.
  • Good problem solvers consider multiple perspectives and are open to new information.
  • It’s important to prioritize what’s important and focus on what needs to be done.
  • Good tools can help with problem solving, but are not as important as the problem solver themselves.
  • Feedback and iteration are important parts of the problem-solving process.
  • Writing things down helps to clarify thoughts and can aid in problem solving.
  • The ability to observe small details is important for problem solving.
  • Good problem solvers have good communication skills and can effectively explain their thought process.
  • Taking time to reflect and think before acting can help with problem solving.
  • The ability to consider multiple alternatives helps with problem solving.
  • It’s important to prioritize what’s important and not get bogged down in details.
  • Good problem solvers are adaptable and can adjust their approach as needed.
  • Time management is important for effective problem solving.
  • Good problem solvers have good time management skills and can prioritize their tasks.
  • Writing things down can help to improve problem-solving skills.
  • Good problem solvers are able to disconnect from a problem and come back to it later.
  • Smocking (or taking breaks) can help with problem-solving and overall well-being.
  • Effective problem solvers have a growth mindset and are always looking for ways to improve.