RailsConf 2023 - Managing the Burnout Burndown by Anjuan Simmons

Learn strategies to prevent and manage burnout in the tech industry with Anjuan Simmons at RailsConf 2023. Discover the importance of self-care, prioritization, and human connection in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Key takeaways
  • Get off social media and take breaks to reduce burnout
  • Take time to recognize people and appreciate effort
  • Model healthy habits and prioritize self-care
  • Focus on a few values and prioritize them
  • Journaling can help process thoughts and emotions
  • Say no to requests that undermine focus and priorities
  • Sleep is crucial for burnout resistance
  • Volunteer to meet new people and build relationships
  • Practice being present in the moment
  • Take time off and disconnect from work
  • Prioritize attention on high-value tasks and delegate low-priority tasks
  • Celebrate small wins and recognize progress
  • Take care of physical and mental health
  • Model stress management and prioritization as a leader
  • Recognize the impact of burnout on personal and professional life
  • Focus on relationships and human connection
  • Prioritize attention on high-priority tasks
  • Learn to say no and prioritize self-care