RustConf 2023 - Too many cooks or not enough kitchens?

Explore the importance of team structures, collaboration, and communication in open organizations, including the role of transparency, inclusivity, and trust in fostering successful teams and communities.

Key takeaways
  • Groups with 5-8 people tend to be the most productive, but this can vary depending on the context.
  • The key principle for healthy open organizations is that the team structures need to serve the purpose.
  • Transparency, inclusivity, adaptability, and collaboration are essential for successful open communities.
  • The word “transparent” is often misused and can be misleading, as it doesn’t necessarily mean “making everything visible at all times”.
  • Effective communication and structured engagement are crucial for successful teams.
  • The concept of “glue work” refers to the invisible, often unpaid labor that goes into building and maintaining relationships and connections.
  • The tragedy of the commons is not a real phenomenon, and over-inclusion can be a symptom of deeper problems.
  • Excluding people can be difficult, but it’s necessary for effective teamwork and decision-making.
  • Relationships and trust are critical for team success, and teams with high trust within them tend to be more effective.
  • The art of gathering is essential for building strong relationships and fostering collaboration.
  • Healthy open organizations empower individuals to take ownership of their work and make decisions.
  • Open communities are not sustainable in the long term without a clear purpose and commitment from the host.
  • The importance of creating a shared understanding and shared goals among team members cannot be overstated.
  • Self-care and recognizing the value of one’s own labor are essential for maintaining motivation and preventing burnout.