Staffplus - How do you effectively manage senior ICs?

Effective management of senior ICs requires building a partnership, trust, and autonomy. Learn best practices for high-bandwidth communication, feedback, and empowerment to drive success.

Key takeaways
  • Effective management of senior ICs requires building a partnership, having high-bandwidth communication, and empowering them to make decisions and take ownership.
  • Feedback is crucial, including both explicit and implicit feedback, and it’s essential to gather it from various sources.
  • Trust is a key element in building relationships with senior ICs, and managers should focus on giving autonomy and opportunities for growth.
  • Regular check-ins and open communication are essential for preventing misalignments and ensuring success.
  • Co-ownership of problems and framing them correctly can help build a partnership between managers and senior ICs.
  • Consistency and reliability in delivering promised results are important for building trust with senior ICs.
  • The maker’s schedule versus manager’s schedule concept is relevant in managing senior ICs, who need focus time to deliver results.
  • Empowering senior ICs to manage their own projects and give them the autonomy to make decisions can be motivating.
  • High-bandwidth communication involves constant feedback, checking in, and gathering information, and it’s essential for effective management of senior ICs.
  • It’s essential to recognize that senior ICs are not just technical experts but also individuals with personal and professional goals, and managers should respect their autonomy and boundaries.
  • Practicing self-awareness, seeking feedback, and being open to change are important characteristics for managers to exhibit in order to be effective in managing senior ICs.
  • Building relationships outside of the immediate team is crucial for senior ICs, as it allows them to gather information, build trust, and provide value to the organization.