Engineering a more equitable hiring process | Jason Wodicka at LeadDev London 2023

Join Jason Wodicka at LeadDev London 2023 to learn how to engineer a more equitable hiring process, with practical tips on overcoming unconscious bias, using inclusive language, and creating a comfortable interview environment.

Key takeaways
  • AI models can trade unconscious human biases for algorithmic ones, so it’s essential to resist using AI screening tools.
  • The language in job advertisements can also perpetuate biases, and it’s crucial to use inclusive language.
  • Interviews can be a high-stress situation, and it’s essential to create a comfortable environment for candidates.
  • Overstated requirements can lead to qualified candidates being ignored, and it’s essential to focus on must-have traits.
  • Hidden assessments can sneak into interview questions, and it’s essential to be aware of these biases.
  • The best way to reduce bias is to use a structured evaluation and provide clear explanations.
  • It’s essential to make fair offers to all candidates and not to penalize those who don’t fit the traditional mold.
  • Creating a diverse team requires actively seeking out diverse candidates and providing support to help them succeed.
  • It’s essential to measure the effectiveness of changes made to the hiring process and to provide feedback to candidates.
  • Providing a clear explanation of the job requirements and expectations can help reduce bias and ensure that candidates are evaluated fairly.
  • It’s essential to provide support to new hires and to ensure that they have the resources they need to succeed.
  • The hiring process should be designed to be fair and equitable, and it’s essential to continuously evaluate and improve the process.
  • It’s essential to provide feedback to candidates and to ensure that they are treated fairly throughout the hiring process.
  • The goal of the hiring process should be to find the best candidate for the job, regardless of their background or experience.
  • It’s essential to provide opportunities for candidates to demonstrate their skills and abilities, and to evaluate them fairly based on those demonstrations.
  • The hiring process should be designed to be inclusive and to provide opportunities for diverse candidates to succeed.
  • It’s essential to provide support to new hires and to ensure that they have the resources they need to succeed.
  • The hiring process should be designed to be fair and equitable, and it’s essential to continuously evaluate and improve the process.