Mirror, mirror on the wall... Am I a critical thinker after all? - Laila Bougria - NDC Porto 2023

Learn the skills and strategies to develop critical thinking, improve decision-making, and overcome biases, with actionable tips from expert speaker Laila Bougria at NDC Porto 2023.

Key takeaways
  • Critical thinking is not something you’re born with, it can be learned and developed.
  • Key to critical thinking is to frame the problem correctly and understand the stakeholders’ needs.
  • Identify and understand your stakeholders, their needs, and how they connect to the specific problem you’re trying to solve.
  • Use collective pronouns to boost collaboration and avoid finger-pointing.
  • When making decisions, consider the available facts and evidence, observations, and analysis.
  • Be aware of the words we choose and how they can influence the outcome.
  • Reduce complexity by breaking down the problem into smaller parts and iteratively solving them.
  • Avoid making assumptions and try to find opposing evidence to your statements.
  • Encourage diverse perspectives and challenge your own assumptions.
  • Use tools like the five whys technique to drill deeper into the problem.
  • Quantify risks and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what is at stake.
  • Evaluate the potential impact of each decision and consider the smallest possible change.
  • Frame the problem in terms of the stakeholders’ needs, interests, and constraints.
  • Consider multiple perspectives and do not assume you are right.
  • Keep an open mind and be willing to change course if needed.
  • Look for alternative solutions and consider the potential consequences of each.
  • Make sure each solution aligns with the problem statement and is based on the evidence.
  • Evaluate the decision based on the available data and consider the potential risks.
  • Encourage feedback and consider the perspective of others.
  • Overcome biases and avoid emotional decision-making.
  • Recognize that critical thinking is a skill that can be developed with practice and patience.
  • Cultural and social norms can influence decision-making, and we should be aware of these biases.
  • In complex systems, consider the potential consequences of each decision and how they might interact with other parts of the system.
  • Make decisions based on evidence and evaluation, rather than assumptions and gut feeling.