Why Your Platform Monolith Is Probably a Bad Idea - David Leitner - NDC Porto 2023

Discover the pitfalls of platform monoliths and learn how to design a more effective, decentralized platform architecture that prioritizes autonomy, scalability, and innovation.

Key takeaways
  • Platform monoliths are a bad idea as they can lead to lack of autonomy, high cognitive load, and decreased pace of innovation.
  • Decentralized platforms can provide better autonomy, scalability, and innovation, but require careful planning and management.
  • Platforms should be designed to provide opinionated abstractions, allowing teams to focus on their own projects without needing to worry about the underlying infrastructure.
  • Share knowledge and expertise across teams to reduce knowledge silos and improve collaboration.
  • Enable teams to take ownership of their own infrastructure and deliverables, rather than relying on a central platform team.
  • Platform engineering should focus on providing a base platform, enabling teams to build on top of it, rather than creating a monolithic platform.
  • Centralized logging, monitoring, and tracing can help reduce cognitive load and simplify operations.
  • Anti-patterns in platform engineering include creating a platform monolith, lacking autonomy, and not providing opinionated abstractions.
  • Patterns in platform engineering include decentralization, modularity, and enabling teams to take ownership of their infrastructure.
  • Regularly review and refactor the platform to ensure it remains aligned with business goals and architectural principles.
  • Monitor and analyze the platform’s performance and bottlenecks to improve its overall health and reliability.