Panel | Challenges of the European AI Ecosystem | Rise of AI Conference 2022


European AI Ecosystem: Building Strengths, Addressing Challenges - Learn how Europe can capitalize on its research pillar and diverse ecosystems, bridge investment gaps, and prioritize collaboration and digital sovereignty.

Key takeaways
  • Europeans are doing some things right in AI, such as having a strong research pillar and established companies investing in AI.
  • The US and Israel are also doing well in AI.
  • Europe should build on its strengths, such as the diversity of its countries and ecosystems.
  • There is a lack of investment in AI in Europe, particularly in SMEs.
  • Industry and government need to work together to create a healthy ecosystem for AI development and deployment.
  • The European Union should focus on its own strengths and not try to compete with the US or China in every area.
  • Ecosystems are important for tech transfer and bringing AI into real impact and effect.
  • Research and collaboration are crucial for driving AI innovation.
  • Industry and academia must work together, and there should be a focus on applied research rather than just theoretical research.
  • Small countries can have a big impact when it comes to AI, as they can focus on specific areas and be more agile.
  • There is a need for more investment in AI in Europe, particularly in areas such as data infrastructure and talent development.
  • The concept of “digital sovereignty” is important, as it ensures that data and technology are controlled by Europeans, rather than being controlled by external forces.