Right and Responsibilities of a Delivery Team (Sandro Mancuso)

Explore the right and responsibilities of a delivery team, including prioritizing customer needs, defining roles, and fostering collaboration, communication, and adaptability.

Key takeaways
  • Avoid micromanaging and focusing on process rather than the person.
  • A delivery team’s primary responsibility is to satisfy their customers’ needs.
  • Roles in a delivery team should be well-defined and specialized, with a mix of generalists and specialists.
  • Quality assurance is a discipline that spans the entire process, not just testing.
  • Decisions should be made through collaboration and understanding the needs of all stakeholders.
  • A strong team should be able to adapt and evolve over time.
  • The desired ratio between Developers and QA engineers varies depending on the team size and complexity.
  • A team’s size should be stable, with 4-7 members being a good size for a start-up, and 10-20 members for a more established team.
  • A team leader should prioritize communication, delegation, and empowerment.
  • Pair programming is a valuable technique for knowledge sharing and reducing dependencies.
  • The best books on building teams are “Team Topology” and “Agile Coaching” by Sanjiv Augustine and “Peopleware” by Tom DeMarco.
  • Automation testing is essential, but should be balanced with manual testing to ensure coverage of all aspects.
  • The ideal team structure is flexible and adaptable, with multiple layers of specialization.
  • Communication is key to resolving conflicts and improving collaboration within a team.
  • Understanding the needs of the customer is crucial for making informed decisions.
  • Developers and QA engineers should work together to define testing requirements and automate functional and integration testing.
  • The path from idea to software production should be well-documented and regularly reviewed.
  • People’s needs and preferences should be taken into account when making decisions.
  • A good team leader should be able to influence and negotiate with stakeholders.