Day 3 Lightning Talks | JupyterCon 2023

JupyterCon 2023 lightning talks showcase innovative projects and ideas in data science, such as Jupyter Lab extensions, collaborative tools, and more, highlighting the diversity and excitement of the Jupyter ecosystem.

Key takeaways
  • JupyterCon badge printing app can simplify the process for future conferences.
  • There is a need for a common research infrastructure to foster collaboration and sustainability.
  • Jupyter Lab extension, JupyterLab Mist, adds a default markdown parser using Mist.js library.
  • Phonics is a project described as the “laziest way” to build web apps in Python.
  • CoCalc is a collaborative calculation and data science platform available for free online.
  • Zeus Octave is a kernel for Octave programming language that recently joined the Jupyter Zeus organization.
  • Jupyter Lite reuses code from Binder to build Jupyter Lite repos.
  • CRA (Crackdown on Rogue Apps) is a proposed European Parliament act that may affect open-source projects.
  • Jupyter Project is committed to reducing risk in using Jupiter software.
  • Nb-reproduce is a project to reproduce notebooks.
  • Jupyter Embed is a project to embed Jupyter notebooks in other applications.
  • The European Open Science Cloud project is working on a Virtual Research Environment.
  • Riana is a tool for high-performance computing.
  • Dask is a library for scaling out computation.
  • Octave kernel allows for symbolic equations and LaTeX math representation.
  • MapPortLib can generate funky little spark lines.
  • JupyterCon will have childcare facilities, maintenance panel, and other events.