Scaling people | Claire Hughes Johnson (Stripe) & Harry Stebbings (20VC) | Slush 2023

Discover the essential strategies for successfully scaling people, from empowering employees to take ownership to providing constructive feedback, and learn how to adapt to new challenges as a leader.

Key takeaways
  • Scaling people requires adapting to new challenges and responsibilities as you grow.
  • Good managers empower their employees to take ownership and solve their own problems.
  • Effective feedback is crucial for growth and should be given in a manner that is both constructive and actionable.
  • People respond differently to title and salary, and it’s essential to understand what motivates each individual.
  • Power can’t be given, it must be taken, and managers should focus on empowering their team members.
  • Leadership is not about external validation, but about setting a high bar and being willing to adjust one’s approach.
  • Understanding the “why” behind someone’s actions can be incredibly powerful in driving growth and change.
  • Feedback is not about showing someone what they’re doing wrong, but about helping them improve and grow.
  • The most effective managers are often those who are tapped from within the organization, as they have already demonstrated their abilities and work ethic.
  • The key to successful management is to understand what motivates each individual and to provide feedback in a way that is both actionable and empowering.
  • The ability to adapt to new challenges and responsibilities is crucial for managers, as is the willingness to make tough decisions and take calculated risks.
  • People are more likely to be successful and happy in their careers when they are given the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of their work.
  • In shaping people, it’s crucial to consider their motivations, strengths, and weaknesses, and to provide feedback that is tailored to their individual needs.