SAINTCON 2016 - Josh Galvez - Hackers Challenge Shakedown

Join Josh Galvez at SAINTCON 2016 to learn about the Hacker Challenge, a puzzle-based game that encourages learning, problem-solving, and social engineering skills, with a variety of puzzles, tools, and concepts to conquer.

Key takeaways
  • The Hacker Challenge is a puzzle-based game that encourages learning and problem-solving skills.
  • It’s not just about being the best hacker, but also about using social engineering to gain an edge.
  • The game has a variety of puzzles, including binary, crypto, and compression challenges.
  • Tools like strings, file, and ida pro can be helpful in solving puzzles.
  • It’s important to stay curious and not be afraid to dig deeper into a puzzle.
  • The enemy will always be one step ahead, so it’s crucial to learn from mistakes.
  • The game board has nine categories, and each puzzle has a unique theme.
  • file command can be used to identify the type of file, and strings can be used to extract text from binary files.
  • Cryptography, compression, and encoding are important concepts to understand in Hacker Challenge.
  • It’s essential to keep up-to-date with security news and aware of news in the industry.
  • The enemy’s weakness can only be discovered by the rules of the game.
  • The game encourages creativity, problem-solving, and curiosity.