Beatriz Martinez & Ignacio Verona – Next generation network operation through automation

Discover how to streamline next-generation network operations through automation using Ansible and Jenkins, with a focus on NFV and centralized management, improving deployment speed, reliability, and collaboration.

Key takeaways
  • Automation of network operations is a crucial aspect of next generation network operation.
  • Ansible is an agentless automation tool that allows for the management of multiple devices, applications, and infrastructure components.
  • The key pillars of Ansible are nodes, plays, and tasks, which allow for automation of network configuration, orchestration, and provisioning.
  • Jenkins is a continuous integration and continuous deployment tool that can be used to automate testing, deployment, and rollbacks.
  • NFV (Network Function Virtualization) is a key aspect of next generation network operation, allowing for virtualized network functions and automated deployment and orchestration.
  • Automation of network operations allows for faster deployment, increased reliability, and improved scalability.
  • The need for automation in telco environments is driven by the increasing complexity of network architecture and the need to improve network availability and reliability.
  • Ansible has modules for networking, which can be used to automate network configuration, provisioning, and orchestration.
  • The importance of having a single source of truth for network configuration and management was highlighted, with Ansible Tower being an option for centralized management and orchestration.
  • Automation of network operations allows for improved collaboration and communication between network and IT teams.
  • Ansible is easy to learn and can be used to automate a wide range of network tasks and orchestration workflows.
  • Ansible Tower provides a graphical user interface and APIs for automation, allowing for flexible and scalable automation of network operations.