Real-Time Data Updates for Neo4j Using GraphQL Subscriptions – Thomas Wiss, GraphQL Galaxy 2022

Get real-time data updates for Neo4j using GraphQL subscriptions, eliminating the need for polling or manual setup, and learn how to create custom plugins for specific use cases.

Key takeaways

Creating a Real-Time Data Update for Neo4j Using GraphQL Subscriptions

  • GraphQL subscriptions provide real-time updates for Neo4j without the need for polling or maintaining a connection.
  • The Neo4j GraphQL library translates GraphQL queries to Cypher queries and executes them against the Neo4j database.
  • Subscriptions are enabled by creating a plugin that handles event listening and broadcasting.
  • The plugin system provides a way to customize and extend the subscription functionality.
  • GraphQL subscriptions provide a scalable solution for real-time data updates.
  • The Neo4j GraphQL library takes care of handling subscriptions, reducing the need for manual setup and configuration.
  • Subscriptions can be used to update nodes and relationships in real-time.
  • Cypher queries can be used to filter and paginate data.
  • The Neo4j GraphQL library provides automatic schema generation for resolvers.
  • The library includes built-in support for filtering, pagination, and cursor-based pagination.
  • GraphQL subscriptions can be used to create real-time updates for movies and actors.
  • The plugin system allows developers to create custom plugins for specific use cases.
  • The Neo4j GraphQL library is designed to be easy to learn and use.