Lessons in Building Mews to Unicorn Status & $100M ARR

Learn the essential lessons from building a unicorn startup with $100M ARR, including infrastructure foundation, scalable engine, hiring CMO, strong support, outsourcing, and more, to accelerate growth and success.

Key takeaways
  • Focus on building a strong infrastructure layer, even in a small team. This will save time and energy in the long run.
  • When building a B2B solution, competing with Oracle, it took a long time. Building a scalable engine is crucial.
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of hiring a CMO. They bring a different perspective and expertise to the company.
  • Building a strong support function is crucial for scaling a business.
  • Don’t be afraid to outsource certain tasks to free up bandwidth for more important things.
  • Early days, you need people around you who deeply understand the problem.
  • Keep learning and reading, it’s the biggest thing.
  • Building a strong team with diverse talent is key.
  • Accelerate growth by hiring people who have done it before, not just assistant positions.
  • Trust your team and delegate tasks, don’t micromanage.
  • Scaling a business requires hiring people who are smarter than you and can automate certain tasks.
  • Focus on creating space for great service, rather than trying to do everything yourself.