Managing the Test Data Nightmare - Andrew Knight

Mastering Test Data Management: strategies and techniques for effective data prep, including dynamic data, automation, and synthetic data, to ensure reliable and efficient testing.

Key takeaways
  • Avoid hard coding test data references, instead choose the best strategy for your needs.
  • Treat shared data as immutable or unchanging and avoid collisions.
  • Dynamic data preparation creates data on the fly, reducing dependency on databases and services.
  • Avoid manual configuration, use automation and tools to create data.
  • Use flat files or environment variables for test control inputs.
  • Choose a data preparation strategy that minimizes data sharing.
  • Avoid using literals for values that originate from the product, use dynamic data prep instead.
  • Shared data can cause brittleness, use dynamic data prep to avoid it.
  • Automation can create data deterministically or randomly, depending on your needs.
  • Consider using synthetic data if managing real data is too much hassle.
  • Isolate test environments and avoid external actors from interrupting tests.
  • Consider using a format like JSON or YAML for data preparation.
  • Use the “do no harm and leave no trace” principle when preparing test data.
  • Avoid static data that may become stale over time.
  • Clone databases or use database clones for easy data setup.
  • Use configuration metadata to describe product configuration for the target environment.