Griffith Rees - From Research Project to PyPI Release

Join Griffith Rees as he shares his journey from research project to PyPI release, highlighting the tools and strategies used to ensure software quality, including continuous integration, GitHub tokens, and virtual environments.

Key takeaways
  • Continuous integration is helpful for ensuring that changes in a project are automatically tested and validated.
  • Using a GitHub token with certain privileges allows for automatic deployment of a package.
  • Cookie cutters can be used to quickly set up a project with the desired structure and dependencies.
  • Code formatting is important for maintaining consistency and readability.
  • Testing is crucial for ensuring the quality and reliability of a project.
  • Academia and software development can be combined, but it can be challenging.
  • Using a virtual environment can help to reproduce and test a project.
  • Package management can be important for maintaining dependencies and keeping track of changes.
  • Continuous integration options like Travis and GitHub Actions can be used to automate testing and deployment.
  • Some package names may be similar to source control management names and may require coordination.
  • It’s important to include documentation and reference information to make a project more understandable.
  • It’s possible to use a combination of tools and libraries to implement continuous integration.
  • Using a single package manager like Condensed can be helpful for managing dependencies.
  • It’s important to keep track of changes to dependencies and to prevent conflicts.
  • Academia and software development can be combined in a research project, but it requires coordination.