Use your source code to document your application - Michaël Hompus - NDC London 2023

Automate documentation generation from source code using.NET tools, syntax trees, and symbol information to improve code understanding, communication, and maintainability.

Key takeaways
  • Use source code as documentation by analyzing and generating documentation from the code itself.
  • Analyze the code to extract information such as classes, methods, properties, and using statements.
  • Use this information to generate documentation in various formats, including Markdown, AsciiDoc, and planned UML.
  • Use syntax trees to visualize the code structure and relationships.
  • Use syntax walkers to analyze the code and extract relevant information.
  • Use the compiler’s symbol information to get information about types, methods, and properties.
  • Use a JSON file to store the extracted information and generate documentation.
  • Use a.NET tool to automate the process of generating documentation from source code.
  • Use documentation to provide a clear understanding of the code’s intention and behavior.
  • Use documentation to improve communication between developers and stakeholders.
  • Use documentation to reduce the time spent on explaining the code to others.
  • Use documentation to improve code quality and maintainability.
  • Use documentation to provide a clear understanding of the application’s architecture and design.
  • Use documentation to improve collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members.
  • Use documentation to reduce the risk of misunderstandings and errors.
  • Use documentation to improve the overall development process.