Jonathan Starr - Head first... into open source | PyData Global 2023

Passionately drive open source contributions, learning from failures, and discovering multiple ways to give back beyond coding in this inspiring talk on embracing open source.

Key takeaways
  • Passion is key: Find something you’re passionate about and contribute to it.
  • Don’t be afraid to take a step back and learn: It’s okay to not know everything, and taking a step back can help you learn and grow.
  • Community is important: Open source projects are built around community, not corporations.
  • Not everyone needs to code: There are many ways to contribute to open source projects beyond coding.
  • Gaining skills and experience can happen gradually: Don’t feel like you need to gain all the skills and experience at once.
  • Learning from others can be helpful: Joining a community and learning from others can help you learn and grow.
  • Open source projects can be a good “escape hatch” for people who aren’t suited for traditional corporate environments.
  • Industry leaders and corporations are starting to recognize the value of open source contributions beyond coding.
  • Code of Conduct: Understanding a project’s code of conduct is important for contributing and working together effectively.
  • Personal drive and passion can lead to meaningful contributions.
  • Learning from failures can be beneficial: Don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed at first, use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.