Music and Code - presented by Nicholas H.Tollervey

Exploring the intersection of music and code, this talk delves into the creative process and shared expression through Python programming, highlighting the parallels between music, coding, and human connection.

Key takeaways
  • The code reflects our thought processes, our worldviews and reflects our presence in it, and this is the essence of Python
  • We can make something look fun, interesting and exciting; that’s the whole code community’s approach, even outside the screen
  • Musicians use coding technique to create music kind of like goofing off - having a blast creating harmony, but the world, okay
  • Expression happens through movement, voice, gestures (even) code as people who don’t share any experiences still meet at coding meetup and discuss a language.
  • Cite - what people take home as an interesting message in programming language itself would reflect all that I find meaningful.