Web 3 Gaming: What it is and Why it Matters - Paul Gadi, JS GameDev Summit 2022

Explore the exciting world of Web3 gaming, where players own and control their experiences, and discover how decentralized finance, composability, and community come together to shape the future of online gaming.

Key takeaways
  • Web3 gaming is about creating games that are owned and played by players, with decentralized finance, and about building and owning the game assets.
  • Web2 gaming is controlled by platforms, with attention and data being the source of value.
  • Web3 gaming is about reducing platform lock-in through decentralization.
  • Key takeaways for building Web3 games are to start with the wallet as the initial entry point, and to focus on composability, currency, and community.
  • Game loops should be designed to be composable, and the games should be designed to be co-created with players.
  • Players should own the game and the items, and be able to design and improve the game.
  • Decentralized finance should be integrated into the game, and liquidity pools should be used to allow for value transfer.
  • Composability is important for building Web3 games, as it allows for flexibility and scalability.
  • Currency is a key component of Web3 games, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) should be used to represent game items.
  • Community is also important, and games should be designed to engage and retain players.
  • Wallets are the initial entry point for Web3 games, and MetaMask, Argent, and other wallets should be used.
  • Willy Crowe’s book “Gamestorming” is a good resource for understanding game design and the game loop.
  • Web3 games should focus on building new economic models, and the current model of creating assets and selling them is not sustainable.
  • The Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon (FAMGA) companies have a lock on the market, and Web3 games should focus on decentralization.
  • Decentralized identity is important for Web3 games, and the idea of creating a decentralized identity for players is key.
  • The ERC20 token standard was a key step in the development of NFTs.
  • Axie Infinity’s success is an example of the potential of Web3 games, and Reachable’s model of creating assets and selling them is a good example of this.
  • The development of new economic models is key to the future of Web3 games.
  • Creating a Web3 game involves several key components, including the game loop, users, and assets.
  • Web3 games should focus on creating new economic models, and integrating decentralized finance into the game.
  • The wallet is the initial entry point for Web3 games, and investors and developers should focus on building the foundations for a decentralized gaming ecosystem.
  • Building on open-source technology is key to Web3 game development, and the use of git and other open-source tools is important.
  • Keeping data on players and their behavior is important for Web3 games, as it allows for more targeted marketing and better engagement with players.
  • Web3 games should focus on creating a community around the game, and building a following through social media and other channels.
  • The use of decentralized identity is important for Web3 games, as it allows for a more secure and private gaming experience.
  • Game development should focus on creating new economic models, and integrating decentralized finance into the game.
  • Building a community around the game is key to success, and engaging with players is important for retaining them.
  • Creating assets and selling them is not a sustainable model for Web3 games, and the idea of creating a new economic model is key.
  • The development of new economic models is key to the future of Web3 games, and integrating decentralized finance into the game is important.