El CFP para PyCon US–¡abierto hasta el 18 de diciembre!

Don't miss your chance to share your Python expertise at PyCon US! Submit your proposal before December 18th and be part of an inclusive and welcoming track that celebrates Spanish-speaking Python enthusiasts.

Key takeaways
  • The CFP for PyCon US is open until December 18th.
  • The review process is anonymous for reviewers, but not for the program chairs.
  • The proposal guidelines can be found on the PyCon US website.
  • It’s recommended to focus on the 30-minute talk format for PyCon Charlas.
  • The proposal should include an abstract, description, and outline.
  • The outline should provide details about the talk, such as the problem, solution, and conclusions.
  • The review process considers factors like the speaker’s background and the talk’s relevance to the audience.
  • The program chairs try to select talks that cater to different interests and backgrounds.
  • PyCon Charlas is an initiative to promote Spanish-speaking Python enthusiasts.
  • The track has grown over the years, with the potential to expand to two days.
  • The speakers do not get paid, but they may receive travel grants.
  • The CFP process is competitive, with a large number of proposals received each year.
  • The program chairs try to balance the talks to ensure diversity and relevance.
  • The PyCon Charlas track is designed to be inclusive and welcoming.
  • The conference provides a unique opportunity for speakers to share their experiences and expertise.
  • The program chairs aim to create a comfortable and engaging environment for speakers and attendees alike.
  • The CFP process is a great way for people to get involved with the Python community and share their knowledge.