DjangoCon Europe 2023 | Keynote: DjangoGirls: It takes a Village

Join the DjangoGirls at DjangoCon Europe 2023, discussing the village of support and collaboration, mentorship, feedback, and self-care, highlighting successful women in tech and urging a stronger united front.

Key takeaways
  • Emphasize the importance of community support and collaboration.
  • Highlight the strength of a united front and the role of mentors and coaches.
  • Note that feedback is crucial for making informed decisions that benefit the entire community.
  • Discuss the concept of “village” and how it translates to the Django Girls community.
  • Share stories of women who have switched careers and found success and happiness.
  • Acknowledge the impact of speaking about personal experiences and promoting self-care.
  • Urge the audience to support others and promote sharing and caring.
  • Takeaways from the community’s journey include:
    • The power of sharing and caring
    • The importance of community support and collaboration
    • The role of mentors and coaches
    • The need for feedback and self-care
    • Emphasizing the strength of a united front